Our Pastor

David Peden

David Peden

David Peden is the founding Pastor of We Are Church. Raised in South Nashville, David was pulled into the street life at very young age. After finding Jesus in a jail cell Pastor David set out to rebuild the city he once tore down. 

He is a family man, married to Lauren Peden, and a man of God. David and Lauren have 5 kids, Janessa, Maxx, Zakk, Jayla, and their newborn daughter, Abbigal. They live in Middle Tennessee where their Church is based out of.



Quotes that resonate with Pastor David

“Show me a Christian soaked in the blood of Jesus, with the stench of hell in his nostrils and I’ll show you a Christian who does not need to be compelled to do evangelism.”

– Charles Spurgeon



“A man without a vision is a man without a future. And a man without a future will always return to his past.”

 – PK Bernard


“Sad is the Christian who has signed a truce with his sin because he has so little confidence in the Spirit.”

-R. Kent Hughes